GameDuell in the news
- Ranking of the 35 biggest German game developers published by Gameswirtschaft.de
- Our tool tip in Making Games Magazine December 2016
- Gamasutra: First Grand Gin Rummy Tournament has started
- Office Drop In - A tour of GameDuell's Office
- GameDuell Studio Portrait on Gamesauce.biz
- Our tool tip HAXE at Making Games Magazine 04/16
- Guest article at Heise Developer about glassfish / JEE7 migration
- GameDuell joins the federal games association GAME (German)
- Belote.com organizes World Championship (French)
- The Importance of High-Quality Artwork in Mobile Games
- JAXenter Java Magazin: JEE-7-Migration im laufenden Betrieb (German)
- Q & A with our lead developer at Freie Universität Berlin (German)
- Cross-Platform Game Development with the GameDuell DuellTool
- How to get a job at Berlin casual developer GameDuell
- GameDuell hires Nintendo
- The Duell Tool is finally out there
- Under the blue sky (German only)
- Deutschlandradio Kultur on GameDuell's healthy lifestyle (German only)
- El Passion features GameDuell as one of the 10 most promising Berlin startups
- Making Games Magazine: From Core to Casual
- Berliner Morgenpost lists the most popular apps from Berlin
- Tagesspiegel about meeting of games industry with Berlin Senator of Economic Affairs (German)
- Gründerszene publishes virtual GameDuell office tour (German)
- Berliner Zeitung about the boom of creative industries (German)
- Interview Feature with our new art director on Gamasutra
- Deutsche Startups: “Als Gründer sollte man nicht an den Exit denken” (German)
- Making Games Magazine 3/2014 (German)
- Skillgaming.de Review Balloon Blast (German)
- Gamesindustry.biz about GameDuell's Casual Connect Presence
- Bloomberg TV: What Merkel's Re-Election Means to German Startups
- Die Welt: Weniger Bauchgefühl, mehr Analyse (German)
- Muensterlandzeitung.de: 18, 20, weg - Skatspiel wird 200 Jahre alt (German)
- Tagesspiegel: Das liebste Spiel der Deutschen (German)
- Pocketgamer: Don't count on chat apps being the next big gaming platform, warns GameDuell
- GDC Europe: Michael Kalkowski talks about 120 new game positions GameDuell intends to fill this year
- GamesMarkt: GameDuell investiert in Wachstumsmärkte (German)
- Westfalenpost: Entwickler-Branche boomt - Smartphone-Spiele immer beliebter (German)
- Morgenweb: Trend zu einfachen Spielen (German)
- Gamesauce: Casual Connect Asia - GameDuell founder Michael Kalkowski talks about "What Brings Out the Best in People"
- Deutsche-Startups: "Und herzlich winkt die Queen – Hausbesuch bei GameDuell" (German)
- RBB Inforadio: "Berliner IT-Branche im Aufwind" (German)
- TV Berlin: "Politik trifft auf Online-Spiele" (German)
- Tagesspiegel: "Spielend informiert" (German)
- IHK Berlin: "Angekommen im Mittelstand? Wirtschaft und Politik zu Besuch bei erfolgreichen Berliner Start-Up Unternehmen" (German)
- Berliner Zeitung: "Außer Berlin nur noch das Ausland" (German)
- Gamesindustry.biz: "GameDuell: Langfristig komplexere Spiele schaffen" (German)
- Telecomsemea.net: "tyntec verifies GameDuell's 80m users"
- IT-Director.com: "Leading Casual Games Provider Selects tyntec For SMS Verification"
- Pandodaily.com: "GameDuell turns to tyntec for SMS-based verification of gamer identities"
- Pocketgamer.biz: "GameDuell CEO Bolik on how mobile fits into the social publisher's aggressive cross-platform plans"
- Pocketgamer.biz: "Berlin special: A snapshot of how German online game companies are successfully going mobile"
- Pockergamer.biz: "Gis a job: GameDuell kicks off mobile push with 130 new jobs"
- Siliconallee.com: "GameDuell Eyes Up Casual Gaming; Recruiting 120 New Staff"
- Gamasutra.com: "Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 - A Showcase"
- Gruenderszene.de: "Berlin 2.0: Eine Gründung ist kein Sprint, sondern ein echter Marathon" (German)
- Insidesocialgames.com: "GameDuell: Cross-platform players monetize 25% more than those on a single platform"
- Gamesindustry.biz: "HTML5: Too Good To Be True?"
Our UX Research & Design Team has a lot of fun at GameDuell and in their daily work interactions - we can clearly see why. The 2 UX Researchers, Game Designer, and Product Designer have established a great collaboration through their amazing in-depth knowledge and a good friendship that has grown over time. We are sure the international aspect of the team also creates an exciting environment, because North-Macedonian, Norwegian, American, and German cultures are coming together here.
Usually there are 3 great minds behind UXR, do you want to be the missing third musketeer? #jobs
Hi team, can you tell us a bit about who you are?
We UX Researchers are the connection between our players and the company. We are there to foster a sense of empathy and check if our ideas also make sense to our players. Tim is our "numbers guy" and he loves Italian food above all else. He also drinks a million cups of espresso per day. Lauren, our "qualitative genius", extracts the best insights through conversations. Her favorite dishes are tacos and she probably also orders a burger from Burgermeister a bit too often, but what can you do? - they are delicious! We’re currently set up as a service team, doing user research for all products in the company. Getting to know our users to inform design, product, marketing, and strategic decisions is what we do on a day-to-day basis.
It makes sense that a Game Designer is into games but ours in particular is absolutely obsessed with card and board games. He loves them so much that he even makes games out of his own books! Mario has also just relocated from North Macedonia during the pandemic and received full support from our People & Culture Team when it came to the paperwork to make his dream come true: being a game designer in Berlin! And our Product Designer, Matti? Well, he is into making his own furniture, he loves Formula 1, and he is always making the best puns and using his dry, nordic humor to make us laugh. Matti has been at GameDuell the longest and he can tell you all about what has been going on the last couple of years. When in doubt, ask Matti! Mario and Matti are the creatives in our team, making sure to come up with solutions, designs, and concepts that improve the user experience and make the games more fun to play! These two are also integrally included in strategic and product processes for all of the products in our company.
This is us!

What does your workday look like?
For UXR it’s planning, executing, analyzing, synthesizing research, and repeating! It sounds like a simple process at first but our research process looks a bit different every day. Depending on what we want to do we need to create research plans, prepare surveys, interviews, or user tests, and recruit participants for each of them. And that’s only the beginning of our journey. For our designers, the days look a little bit different. They are designing concept pages, developing concepts into new features, and creating prototypes in discussion with several teams to come to the best possible solution. Once they’re done, the concept goes into testing in the real world with the UXR team.
“We strive to learn and become better every day” is one of the most important GameDuell values for our team. It shows our close collaboration with other team members and that we can only achieve our goals while working, designing, and researching together. In order to be up to date, it’s not only important to learn with other teams, but we also need to get inspired for new designs and level up UXR skills.
What do you especially like about your work?
Collaboration isn’t limited to only our team. We work with many team members and on many topics and projects. Therefore, new and different project team compositions enable us to frequently work with different colleagues and really get to know everyone around the office. But not only getting to know our colleagues is awesome, for us it’s also the looking for creative ways to get to know our users, their wishes, and finding solutions around our favorite topic: GAMES!
Do you have a favorite workplace story?
It’s not even possible to commit to a specific day or story here. There are so many different stories, but they are only funny if you've seen them for yourself. So why not become a part of our team? Apply now for one of our jobs or even become our new Senior UX Researcher and experience your favorite workplace stories with us.
Read next: Behind the Scenes: Green Team